DLG Luce – San Antonio – US v. Mexico Soccer Game Set to Begin
The game is highly anticipated and the 65,000 seat Alamodome has been sold out for weeks. Today the USA National Team will play the Mexican National team in San Antonio at the Alamodome. The Dome will surely be divided between Mexican and American fans and it should be a great game.
DLG Luce Salazar PLLC does legal work with clients who reside on both sides of the border handling business matters and complex immigration matters. Aldo Salazar who heads our business and immigration section of the firm is from Mexico and licensed to practice law in both Mexico and Texas. Moreover, we work with many attorneys who are licensed to practice in Mexico.
Whoever you are rooting for today, best of luck for your team. If DLG Luce Salazar PLLC can be of legal assistance to you, whichever side of the border the legal matter may be on, reach out to us in our San Antonio or Austin office.