DLG Luce – San Antonio – Lawsuits expected to increase in 2011
After a year of significant increases in litigation, it does not appear that it is going to stop any time soon. As recently reported in the San Antonio Express News, businesses of all sizes expect the pattern of increased litigation to continue during the coming year, with roughly 1/4 of businesses polled stating that legal disputes will increase. The survey was conducted by a nationally known law firm.
According to the survey, corporate legal counsel in the United States and the United Kingdom expect a continuation of an upward trend in litigation that began at the time of the economic downturn.
Interestingly, of those businesses polled, more large businesses than mid sized and small businesses expect litigation increases over the next twelve months.
DLG Luce LLP is a Texas based business and civil litigation law firm. From strategically placed offices in Austin and San Antonio, Texas, our attorneys assist a diverse clientele of businesses and individuals with their legal needs. To learn more about our firm, we encourage you to review our website, or contact our Austin or San Antonio, Texas location to schedule a consultation with one of our lawyers.