DLG Luce – Keller Trial
It was recently announced that, despite being originally slated to occur in Austin, the special trial into misconduct charges against Sharon Keller, presiding judge of the state’s top criminal court, will be in San Antonio.
The State Commission on Judicial conduct has charged Ms. Keller with improperly closing the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals to death row inmate Michael Richard on the eave of his 2007 execution.
Additionally, the commission has amended the charges against Keller to include violations of the following canons of the Texas Code of Judicial Conduct:
• Canon 3C(1): Requiring judges to diligently and promptly discharge administrative responsibilities without bias or prejudice and to cooperate with other judges and court officials in the administration of court business.
• Canon 3C(2): Requiring judges to ensure that court staff and officials observe the standards of diligence that apply to judges.
The proceedings, set to begin on August 17, will take place in the courtroom of State District Judge David Berchelmann Jr.
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