DLG Luce – Immigration – President Obama To Announce Immigration Action Tommorrow
President Obama to Announce Immigration Actions Tomorrow at 8 pm (ET)
President Obama will give a live address tomorrow at 8 pm (ET) to lay out the executive actions he will be taking to fix our broken immigration system. Additionally, on Friday afternoon, the President is planning to fully unveil the plan in Las Vegas at Del Sol High School, the site of his last major immigration speech in 2013. In this AILA Quicktake video, Greg Chen, AILA’s Director of Advocacy, discusses possible actions President Obama might take on these administrative reforms, as well as AILA’s plans post-announcement.
DLG Luce Salazar PLLC is a Texas based business and civil litigation law firm with an extensive Immigration practice. DLG Luce Salazar PLLC provides many immigration services to a diverse clientele, including many of San Antonio’s beloved San Antonio Scorpion’s soccer players.
From our offices in Austin and San Antonio, Texas our experienced attorneys represent a diverse clientele of businesses and individuals with their legal needs. Please browse our website to learn more about our firm, or contact either of our offices to schedule a consultation with a DLG Luce attorney.