DLG Luce – Austin – Rick Perry Appoints Austin Area Attorney as Williamson County District Court Judge
As recently reported in the Austin Business Journal, Texas Governor Rick Perry has appointed Austin area attorney Donna King to serve as Judge of the 26th Judicial District Court in Williamson County, north of Austin.
According to the article, at appointment King was serving as a magistrate judge for Williamson County and was a former assistant district attorney in Travis County. King received her law degree from Texas Tech University and her Bachelor’s degree from Angelo State.
DLG Luce Salazar PLLC is a Texas based business and civil litigation law firm. From our offices in San Antonio and Austin, Texas, our experienced attorneys assist a diverse clientele of business and individuals with their legal needs. Contact either of our offices to schedule a consultation with a DLG Luce attorney.
DLG Luce Salazar PLLC is proud to be a sponsor of the 2014 Austin Young Chamber of Commerce FAVE awards, honoring Austin businesses. More about FAVE can be found here. This years awards will take place in Downtown Austin on November 14, 2014.